Coming Soon & Last Chance: January, 2020

This is so stupid. Why take off the only movies that are actually masterfully made and leave the 1930s Superman??? Nobody wants to watch that 12 times. DC universe is definitely losing my business in 2020. And Harley Quinn is not even that good. This streaming service is manipulative and puts out the worst content while hoarding the best. And then they censor comments so that folks can’t see what’s really going on. Disney+ and team Marvel it is :-1:t4::-1:t4::-1:t4:

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@trinityjohnson1418.72357 you do know Disney Plus also cycles out content, too, right? I don’t see the MCU Spider-Man movies on there.

They’ve been clear with us from day one that continent is rotated out every month in the Watchtower forums. I understand you’re frustrated and if you choose to cancel your subscription that’s your choice, but if you’re gonna throw out misinformation, that’s not okay.


It’s not misinformation. DC does not have enough content for them to cycle out nearly 18 good movies. Disney+ can because they can replace it with a buttload of content. DC barely has any of its content and cycles out 18 movies and replaces it 2-4 meh movies. There is a huge difference. Also MCU Spider-Man is owned by Sony. So Disney is not allowed to put it on Disney+. Makes sense? I hope so. And not everyone wants to rewatch the small collection they have on here. When you promise to add a few small things you definitely shouldn’t take away a majority of your selection. IMO they should remove all video content from this app and put it on HBOMax. Leave the comics and add the rest of the comics selection that they are missing and make this a reading app. Sure it’ll be cycled out HBOMax too. But atleast there will more content to surf through. That way it doesn’t feel like they have no idea what they are doing half the time.


That is your opinion. For many of us, we are aware of the content that’s cycled out and we are okay with it. As was said earlier, if cancelling is your choice then it’s YOUR choice.


If you’re talking about the Fleischer shorts…

The 1940s Superman animated films will be remembered long after everyone forgets that there even was a DC Animated Movie Universe.

Now, if you mean the 1948 serial…eh. It’s fine, but historically not that significant.


Will be glad to see February get here so DCU can get some timely Valentine’s Day love. Maybe that’s some of what they are working on to announce …???


Can we get better stuff in this app. Watching harley Quinn every week isn’t cutting it :////


I can no longer find Batman/Superman Public Enemies, Green Lantern First Flight. It was like Jan 1 hit and they dropped a bunch of movies…why? I thought this was to be the one stop shop for DC.


I agree. Too much is missing. At this point I don’t see a point when my renewal comes up of subscribing again.


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To be fair…none of this answers the question of why content is rotating off.

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It’s due to contract licensing, for example if DC wanted to have Justice League Dark, they can’t due to it being contract to be on Hulu. If Hulu gets rid of Justice League Dark, chances are it might come here on the following month.
I’m sure in February we’ll have some more movie back. :slightly_smiling_face:


Except Marvel Unlimited is 10 bucks a month which is not cheaper.

And about the Fleisher shorts… they are I can almost assume still on here because they are in the public domain. So DC isn’t going to be licensing them out because anyone who wants them can get them.

Not knocking DCU for having them on here, it is convenient and they are high quality video of it. But it is not licensed and thus would not benefit anything else if it did come off. It is likely here for the life of the service. They won’t be freeing up money to keep something else if it goes down.


This is kinda a big deal. All of the non-WB releases look like garbage.

Still, you do have a point, even if it would be remiss of DC to leave off its first major big-screen adaptation regardless.

There seems to be misconception about one of my posts regarding Marvel Unlimited as I have seen this 2-3 times in multiple replies. I wasn’t saying that Marvel Unlimited is cheaper than DCU. I was saying that DCU should remove video content and make this a Comics only app. DCU should remove video content and make the app cheaper and either get their licensing back for more of their movies and television and put it on here later or put it all on HBOMax. I’d prefer HBOMax as this app doesn’t stream to other devices very well and the setup isn’t that great. Either way, I realize that MU isn’t cheaper than DCU. Please stop replying about it. I am so sick of the toxic fan base. Please stop defending DC/WB for its incompetence and for everyone else, chill. It’ll all be resolved later either through a shutdown or a huge update full of content. For those of you cancelling or thinking about cancelling. Don’t persuade others to do so. Let them decide. This is a comment everyone please don’t get offended. Otherwise I might have to go Ricky Gervais at the golden globes style on you. Now please act like you didn’t see anything, as if you were working for Harvey Weinstein.

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I love how this thread starts with, "The presents don’t stop in December, " and the comment section is like, WTF! Why are you taking all my$#!!!%@$%$. [×]


Okay, so DC should:

  1. Remove some of the content that gives this app value.
  2. Drop the price even lower than the competition’s, despite already being lower.

How is that in any way a smart business move?


Will I ever get the chance to watch all the DC animated movies in order? That was a main attraction for me.


How is this incompetence from a business standpoint for WB/DC?
Sending out movies for another grab at other businesses money, before those shows come back and are likely held within WB based streaming services for the rest of time?

Yeah, it’s a bummer in the short term for DCU members, but if WB/DC makes more money in short term licenses than attrition of subscribers, how is that incompetence of WB/DC as a business?


@mjquinn789.23938 welcome to the community. That might take awhile since they rotate movie’s out. But it is possible that it could happen some day.