Choose One JusticeLeague Member to Die and not come back

Cyborg i find him boring and pointless


For me it has to be Superman. His death would be the first domino to fall. Batman and wonder woman might retire from grief or have to be put down from madness.

Get some new characters in JL, I fondly remember the Detroit jla because there wasnā€™t a Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman in it. Could it have been better, of course, but it was an attempt at something new.

Pity DC is a business that has to generate profit because I bet some creators would love a shot at making something new without the shackles of greed attached.

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If Hal were to die, I donā€™t feel like there would be a hole left behind. There are kind of too many GLā€™s as is (two per sector, yet Sector 2814 has six, all of them coming from Earth) and while I love Hal, heā€™s probably the most expendable.


Which GL? Because if itā€™s Guy Gardnerā€“Whack Him!!

Cyborg for me as well. I never found him interesting, although Doom Patrolā€™s Cyborg has made him pretty cool for me now.


Barry or Hal

Since we have so many Earth GLā€™s Iā€™d get rid of one of them. Preferably Jessica Cruz or Simon Baz. Heck, get rid of them both.

Definitely Green Lantern since there are so many theyā€™d be easy to replace.

Get rid of Hal Jordan and replace him with Kilawog or Chā€™p.

The responses here put up a really good point that even if Green Lantern dies, someone else will eventually take up the ring. Assuming that was the case, then Green Lantern would be my choice as well.

If there was some event which made it so there would be no Green Lantern at all, Iā€™d personally choose to kill off Batman. As much as I love his character, heā€™s the one that I feel has the most potential for being replaced on the team. Heā€™s spent literally years raising multiple Robins who are all capable, intelligent, and have proven their worth time and again.


@Zatanna I can see your point, kinda. The problem 8 see is none of the Robins or the old Babs Oracle possess the strategic & tactical skills. Not even close. Nightwing and Oracle are tied for very distant 2nds.

The problem is JL has played down this element, just going to show we need the detective portion of Batman again. (Sighā€¦I really miss Denny Oā€™Neil)

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Green Lantern. Itā€™s like Hydra cut off one head another one takes it place.

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Cyborg or Hal wouldnā€™t really miss either

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Green lantern if there is a option for his spot to be filled.

Cyborg if its a permanent cut back of the roster. I fell as though between Batman and GL you could make up for his absents as far as tech things go (minus the Boom tubes) but I bet batman cld figure that out.

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Honestly. Iā€™d be fine with Cyborg or Green Lantern going.
Never really got whole love infinity people have Cyborg.
Green Lantern has never been a favorite of mine either especially Hal Jordan.

Green lantern

Green Lantern

Depends which flash and or green lantern

Didnā€™t realize GL was so unloved. I think they have tons of potential to do something cool with him, but the imagination is limited.

Marian manhunter his death in brightest day was both satisfying and sad