Certified Organic Tech Tuesday: The Oil Spill. Which DC Universe Gadget Will Save the World?

As I was sitting In my booth at McDonald’s (after talking to the police because apparently walking into a McDonald’s with a weapon is ‘frightening’) I see a news report about oil in the ocean and on animals. That just can’t do. One of my friends coincidentally have a temporal bender. I walk outside and keep walking until I come to the beach. Since it’s like 2 in the morning no one is there. I go back a year in time so I can prevent the oil spill from happening. It takes a couple months because I applied to become a boat captain but it takes awhile for me to get accepted and my resume to get looked over. Once everything checks out and my license is approved I get assigned to the boat that had carried the oil. I successfully Captain the boat and prevent the oil from leaking into the ocean. Once everything is over I head to the same McDonald’s and I order a milkshake ,but the ice cream machine is broken.