Can We Talk: JSA?

Is anyone ready for the conversation that the JSA makes no sense? They’re the generation of heroes before the JL so that would make their second generation with Stargirl, Yolanda, Beth, Rex, Jade, etc. part of the Justice League generation and not the teen hero generation (unless MAYBE they’re the ages of the OG sidekicks and Titans). Or y’know they could be the grandchildren instead that would make more sense as well. But maybe not if they’re WW2 era like in Justice Society: World War II movie which could possibly mean that the second generation of the JSA is the generation before the JL or DC is gonna need to fill in a lot of space to get to it. Then there’s currently the Stargirl show which is now part of the arrow verse apparently but there’s a different Arrow and Speedy that were in the JSA… what??? Why is it that any appearance of the JSA comes with continuity issues? Both generations of the JSA needs to be placed in some space and time on the timeline.

As far as the Arrowverse goes, Stargirl takes place on Earth-2, so the Oliver and Roy (presumably) that we saw in the Seven Soldiers of Victory photo aren’t the same people we got to know on Arrow


Like @arkhamassassin said, different Green Arrow and Speedy, plus I think the idea of the Stargirl show isn’t that they were specifically WWII heroes but that they disappeared five years ago.

That said, I’ve gotten a lot more zen about this kind of thing when I realized that superhero stories are nonsensical more often than make sense.


Yeah, I think, as @Jay_Kay said, it’s best to just enjoy the ride with most of these things. I’ve stopped worrying about, “is this cannon or does it make sense,” a while back when it came to superhero stories. On a meta level, when you’re dealing with characters that have been around for decades mixing with characters that came out of few years ago, it’s going to make sense that, well, it doesn’t make sense haha. Things won’t always line-up, and that’s just kind of how it is with the genre and its history.

At the end of the day, I’ve decide to just ignore continuities/timelines and just enjoy the story. If the narrative being told is engaging, entertaining, and well-written, then that’s enough for me. So long as the continuity doesn’t actively get in the way of the story, then I don’t really mind. In the case of Stargirl, whether the heroes were from the 40s or 80s doesn’t really affect the narrative of a new generation of young heroes trying to find their place and identity in the world.

So yeah, tldr; as long as the story is good, continuity isn’t all that important to me.


Oh IK that they’re not WW2 heroes. I was trying to say that if the JSA were WW2 heroes like in Justice Society WW2.

Sadly I am not that way. I like to look at the whole picture and how it relates to the large scale universe.


Johnny Thunder, the youngest member, was born July 7, 1917. He is now 104.

Infinity Inc. first appeared in 1984. If they were college aged then, they’d be pushing 60 now.

DC had the proper solution the first time. JSA debuts on Earth 2 in World War II and has a younger generation later. JLA is set in the present day on Earth 1.


This is set on the new Earth-2 in the Arrowverse. The Green Arrow and Speedy we saw in the photo are from this Earth and they were in the Seven Soldiers of Victory.

This earth seems to be comprised mainly of golden age and legacy characters. I’m okay with that.It’s been fun seeing those character I love within the context of this show and this Earth.