Can someone show me how to delete a series from my favorites or library collection? How

I have added too many comic series to my lists of Favorites and Need To Read. How can I remove them? And how do you delete from comic history? I would mark a book as read but that only moves it to the front of Comic History.

Hey there! So I’ll be performing all of this on the desktop (PC) version of our website through the mydc portal [DC UNIVERSE INFINITE]

Currently, marking as read or unread in the “Comic History” section seems to remove from comic history almost immediately, but doesn’t remove it from the Dive Back In section, unfortunately.

As for removing things from your lists, all you need to do is go to the list in question (which should be at the bottom of the MYDC portal page), click on the 3 dots by the comic series you want to remove from the list, and presto!

If you need screenshots detailing how to do this, please let me know and we can take some for you :slight_smile:

Thanks. I forgot I have removed from lists by clicking on the 3 dots before. The Dive Back In and Comic History is a pain. I tried mark as read and mark as unread. Like I said, doing so will only move up the comic book to the front of the line. I wish there was a way to delete my history. It’s the worst part of this app.

No problem! I would also love to see the changes you’ve mentioned here so I’ll be sure to make note of it for our team

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This has been something they’re supposedly working on for over a year.