booster gold

Massively enjoying the full run


It’s actually missing #1000000, which concludes the Johns run (continued from #10.)


Never really paid much attention to Booster Gold but after reading Batman 45-47(The Gift) and the final Action Comics arc from Jurgens I definitely had interest in the character.

Needless to say, I was pretty jazzed to see 0-12 of his solo run on here. On #4 so far and it is such fun stuff.

I can see where a lot of influence where Legends of Tomorrow comes from. Hopefully he will appear in live action someday on there!

Meanwhile, gonna finish the rest of this run and look forward to Heroes In Crisis!

I just made a post about the missing 1,00,000 issue it confused the hell out of me when it went from issue 10- 11 and skipped the end of the John’s run and started Jurgen’s with a new status quo for the series