Bleep adult language

Is there a way to bleep out all the F bombs in Titans?

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So you want a PG version? It’s TV MA. They made no effort to hide it. It’s an adult show.


The dialogue seems rather lazy. I’m more impressed by how Hawk and Dove were handled.

Are you serious? Just join a cult

Having the characters curse does not make a show “adult”. If anything the number of f bombs in the second episode came off as lazy and trying too hard.

For the record, I have no problem with cursing. The Big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies of all time and that movie is full of f bombs. The problem with Titans is that the language really serves no purpose other than “Look what we can do! We’re cursing!”


The app is shared with family so he has a good point.

It’s similar to the Netflix Marvel shows ; the idea that 11-12 year olds aren’t going to be watching is stupid ( just the idea; the people who think it of course are outstanding).
My 10 year old grandson is watching the stuff !!! I like how on the Netflix Marvel stuff, there’s a little of TV MA, but they do a decent job of not making it into a Showtime or HBO production (HBO/Showtime, with everybody exposing themselves for whatever reason comes up, and language that you won’t even hear on a Navy ship).

Today’s word on the DCU is “gratuitous.” Now, let’s use it in a sentence ;Teen Titans , at times, is gratuitous with its use of extreme violence and awful language. The Marvel Netflix shows, in my brilliant opinion, try to avoid too much of the gratuitous language and violence. Say it with me now, " gratuitous."

Tomorrow’s word will be “condescending.”

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Sorry 1 last thot:I have a work buddy that has a picture of himself with Jim Lee at a recent Convention. He’s on the fence about joining DCU; he really wants to get his 10 year old son involved, he figures it be really cool because a lot of the animations here. BUT, he’s concerned and wants to see how this pans out. Frankly, if the tone of the Titans could have just been brought down one notch, it probably would have helped this guy get off the fence and join DCU and bring his ten-year-old son along.

I just tell my son that Titans is for big kids. It kind of sucks since he loves Teen Titans Go but he understands. There’s so much animated stuff that he can watch at least. I’d just tell your friend to explain to his son that the show unfortunately isn’t for kids but there’s a whole lot of other things he can watch.

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Yeah I’ll keep talking with him about it

Not bleep. Why even use it when Justice League didn’t nor any Marvel films


Apparently a lot of people don’t realize how young adults and kids talk these days. F bombs are everywhere. Titans is extremely realistic.

It’s an adult show. DC made that clear. But I do think that the swearing should be toned down.


This show is for adults You can find The SuperFriends on this service too


To any parents, hate to break it to you, but your kids 16 and under are already dropping F-bombs whenever you’re not around, and to pretend that this would bother or influence them in any way in 2018 is just ridiculous.


I hope you mean a method for your personal use because I like it the way it is.


Given this is a TV-MA show I doubt it. If people don’t like TV-MA content then don’t watch TV-MA shows, and not trying to be one of those “if you don’t like it don’t watch.” people, but never heard of anything offering an option to non TV-MA a TV-MA show.

I will say though that while I have no problem with the content and Titans is a good show, some of the adult stuff seems to be there just to say “look… we are adult”. The F-Bombs are not upsetting, but do seem put a lot of them in just to say “look… we cuss… so adult… this is not CW dude!” or “Look Hawk had erectile dysfunction… on a superhero show… a super hero had erectile dysfunction… who cares if it doesn’t in any way serve the plot… OMG WE WENT THERE!” The violence I don’t mind, Hawk and Dove having sex I don’t mind, cussing in and of itself I don’t mind. But if it doesn’t serve the story then they are doing it under the pretense “more adult is better” in and of itself, and that is not actually true.

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