Batwoman: The series- Yay or Nay

I don’t got a yay or a nay but I’ll give you a bammmmmmmm!!! ( Which is a yay I guess, just you know way better)


I would have said yay before the crossover. After watching Ruby’s performance and the CW’s version of Gotham, I have to say nay. Gotham felt too lifeless. I would rather see the Bat/Gotham characters on DC Universe.


It would be a hard YAY from me if it wasn’t a CW show👎🏼

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Nay. Based on the set up from the crossover, it just seems like a full season show would be too similar to Supergirl’s concept (cousin of a major hero taking on that hero’s villains since he is absent). The only difference would be that it would have the darker tone of Arrow.

However, it would be great to see Batwoman and Gotham City show up periodically on the other CWTV shows.

Honestly, there wasn’t much of Kate in the crossover. From what I’ve seen. I would definitely say a Yay, with two caveats: one is to not rely on Batman villians solely(you could use a few well known), or if you are going to use them, use lesser known. The second caveat would be that the character main characteristic not be lesbian and that’s it, there’s so much more to the LGBT community and their defined personality’s other than there sexuality.


Yay :+1:t4::+1:t4:


Ruby’s acting left me questioning if she’s the right person for the role. I think she did some overacting and it looked and felt very forced in her attempt to show fierce attitude. Her stunt double was just as bad as she looked unfamilar with her supposed fighting style. Kate Kane is a soldier with combat training. Her fights should represent Jason Bourne-like close-enounter brawling ( first film). Kate’s natural attitude should be one that is in a state of fatigue like she had just pulled and all nighter studying or partying. She should be constantly shown casually drinking coffee or energy drinks.


Nay. Wasnt impressed saw very little

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Nay not impressed at all


Big Yes! Loved it and her


As long as it has an interesting story I’m down.


Respectfully No. It’s just going to end up like Supergirl, where they will take Batman and make him look incompetent and lacking so Batwoman looks better, and once they use up all the female baddies they have, they will start dipping into the main rogues gallery just like Supergirl did.


Yay!! Cant wait.


Yay! This is the first live action Batman thing I’ve activity enjoyed since Dark Knight everything after that I’ve either hated like BvS and Justice League or it just hasn’t really grabbed me like Gotham, Titans and Dark Knight Rises


No, thank you. Wasn’t impressed, I feel like Ruby needs an acting coach or something. Wasnt convinced by any of her delivery.


I say yay! I want as many DC shows as possible! I want the world to have more DC fans!


YAY! That being said, I hope they take the time to focus on character’s relationships (namely romantic, but also familial) instead of just having various villains popping up to be defeated. I also hope some strong supporting actors are brought in. Overall I’m really looking forward to it.


@TheRealBatwoman Absolutely agreed! Well said, would love to see a heavy focus on Kate’s relationships. Also, I like your screen-name and avatar, sister :blush:


@mae thanks! What did you think of Ruby Rose in elseworlds? Her casting has been pretty divisive, but enjoyed the performance (although I would have liked her to have had more scenes).


I was very excited about Ruby ever since she was announced as being cast as Batwoman. And then when that first image appeared I was beside myself with excitement:

I think she absolutely looks (both out and in costume) and acts like Kate and sure it’s only a few scenes but it was just a teaser for her own show. And rumor has it the Batwoman series will have characters like Renee Montoya, Bette (Flamebird), and even Batwing, so I think it will follow the recent Batwoman comics (starting with that run in Detective Comics) pretty closely. Cannot wait!