Batman: Hush - Best Comics-to-Screen Moments?

The Opera scene with Selina & Bruce. Then Harley takes over leads to joker in the alley

Just like the comic. There were so many I have to binge it. I just watched it yesterday

& went w/o pausing & caught so many comic scenes. I’m going back with pause

on remote in hand & I’ll pick it apart. 1 viewing loved i know I love it already.

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The end credits


When Poison Ivy kissed Cat-woman. That was hot!
I did enjoy the Batman/ Lex Luthor scene. Batman putting Lex in his place was awesome.

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Phenomenal animation movie enough said


That was a really bad ending, i mean, while i loved the dynamic between batman and catwoman. changing Hush into a super riddler was just plan dumb. i’m pretty sure the original story line for hush didn’t have the relationship of him and catwoman. cause that was a recent story line that got canceled last i heard and you were the main villain in that was Bane if i recall correctly. normally i really like these movies but this one really fell short in a lot of ways and i just have to say this was disappointing


When Jason and Tim appeared


When Jason and Tim appeared


The lack of DW and that badass Nightwing fight at the beginning.