Batman/Catwoman Issues 9-12 Discussion (Can Include Spoilers)

yes, I have and am actually re-reading them. Kings Selina reminds me of Selina when dealing with rouges after they angered her. also some of the events like Bruce’s two proposals and how easy she gets along with lois.

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It’s some ridiculously good stuff by fanfiction standards. The “meta” self-awareness contained in the story can be a little jarring for me, though, as it has a lot of references to pop culture (especially in the earlier stories) that are kind of outdated and perhaps didn’t age the best. But considering this grand story has been written for longer than I’ve been alive, that is bound to happen.

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agreed ya it can be.

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You know I just realized king makes/brings up an interesting point in this panel.

Well Bruce does have his batfamily, despite being considered a member of the batfamily, and tending to be his future wife/longest turn love interest Selina rarely gets included in batfamily portraits like in this year’s strange love Holiday special or Bruce’s Hallucination in Batman: Urban Legends issue 4.


The prophecy has been fulfilled the wedding is supposedly finally happening The bat and the cat are getting married. :tada: :mirror_ball: :tada: :dancing_women: :man_dancing: :dancer: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :champagne: :catwoman_hv_4::thumbs_up_batman:
Synapsis for issue 12: Wedding bells are finally ringing for Batman and Catwoman! As our story concludes, the lovers prepare to take the next steps in their lives together by trading everlasting vows. The Bat/Cat wedding is here, and knowing Bruce and Selina, it’ll be anything but conventional. You won’t want to miss this final chapter of Tom King’s Batman epic!
(catwoman and batman at Nobody.bladesmith :facepalm_catwoman: :facepalm_batman:)

I’m very excited! But it’s still so far away!


I Know. :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


The ending was worth the wait. =)


Yeah – I’m definitely going to have to go back and reread the whole thing now that it’s finished, but while there are things that nag at me, I think overall there was definitely more good than bad.

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One thing is how did Selina drive several thousand miles in time to get to Florid there and back so fast…

I have read it quickly once, but am planning to go through the WHOLE run (or at least the pieces I have) in a week or so!

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Did anyone else notice just how much Selina and Audry resemble each other?

even when they are mature women, with Selina’s skills in disguise Selina could make Audry look like her. I am unconvinced Selina is the one who killed Joker.

You think this is a parallel to the way Selina took the blame for Holly in the main KingBats run? That’s interesting, but I don’t really think the dialogue gives enough room for that.

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Selina and maggie kyle… :bulb:

Mature Andrea Beaumont and Selina Wayne

Is it just me or…could Andrea be this universe’s ‘Maggie Kyle’? Selina does not know her parentage in batman Catwoman. but the special implies that bruce may look into it for her by Helena’s comments. Then there is the fact that Phantasm is fusion of the Reaper and the mans daughter: Judson Caspian (Prime Earth) | DC Database | Fandom and his daughter Rachel Caspian (New Earth) | DC Database | Fandom
…Rachel is a former love interest of Batman who becomes a nun…maggie was a nun.
Ok, my (head) cannon is Andrea is Selian’s younger half-sister for this now as it would explain the resemblance the two have.

I think you aren’t necessarily wrong, but I would argue that it’s more likely that this is a case of artistic sameface. Most artists only have about 1-2 faces per type of character/age/sex, so drawing very similar age/sex/types of characters is going to result in them looking more similar than reality, unless they have a very clear model they’re drawing/tracing.

So basically, I don’t think that they’re necessarily related, though I wouldn’t be surprised if that was in King’s mind. I am more inclined to think that Mann just didn’t have a specific model for either Selina or Andrea.


:thinking: except…there were three artists on the series, Man Sharp and Lenon, and two of the three drew them fairly Similar…one of JPL’s last works was the Batman/Catwoman special, which did not have Audrey. Sharps Selina and Audrey…

That doesn’t really disprove my contention that most comic artists have one or two faces they draw, though. :slight_smile:

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Hmm…honestly I don’t know enough about art history to say for sure if this is true or not.

not really art history so much as just looking at different artists and the way they draw faces.

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:thinking: audry did have some resemblance in season 1 catwoman in batas