Batman Arkaham Origins Game

I’m trying to get the shock gloves. It’s the first time I play any of the Arkham games. :smirk:

You’ll get them eventually while playing through the main story. I’m curious, why did you pick Origins to start with? I like it, but a lot of people consider it the worst.



I read Batman Arkham Origins is a prequel game, so I gave it a try.


@Moe.Vargas That makes sense.


I mean, if I were to re-do my life, I just wouldn’t play Origins at all. Pointless exercise that goes nowhere and does nothing. The rest of the Arkham games are awesome though. City in particular, but Asylum and Knight are great, too.


Origins is a lot of fun if you don’t try to 100% it. Then it just gets annoying. Which is kind of true for all the Arkham games, but to a much greater extent for Origins.


It wasn’t my favorite entry in the Arkham-verse, but if they had to replace Hamill for the Joker for it, I’m glad they got Baker.


@RedHood I agree


Yeah as they said play through and you’ll get it.

I enjoyed origins. The setting was cool and the story too but there are some small continuity errors but eh. Thats what most prequels contain. Definitely had some of the best boss fights in the series.


I love Origins and I’m not ashamed! It might even be my favorite.


Ok, seriously, When, where and how can I get the shock gloves?


If I’m remembering correctly, eventually during the story Electrocutioner will be pushed out of a building, fall through a skylight, and die. Walk up to his body and Batman will take his gloves. You get to this point just by playing through the story normally. There isn’t any special task and you don’t have to go out of your way to get them.


Until that happens, absolutely none of the main story mode missions will require the use of the shock gloves. Any places you see that can use them are entirely optional bonuses that require backtracking or part of later story missions.


Arkham Origins is just as good as Asylum in my opinion (but for different reasons). Sure, collecting Enigma’s stuff is repetitive (but the Riddler challenges always are) but I feel like the pay-off was worth it. The Cyrus Pinkney side mission (which is almost completely hidden) was definitely fun. But scanning Anarky tags felt kinda pointless. I just did it for the extra XP. However, the main story and the main side missions (and the Cold Cold Heart DLC) are great. Some continuity errors, but nothing too glaring.

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I rank origins as the best game true Batman.

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So I just got a PS4, I know I know they are about to be coming out with a new one but my buddy who works at game stop told me they would still be releasing games for the PS4 for another year probably. I have not had a system since 2005 (PS2) so I am way out of the game with this stuff and there are so many games for me to play that are on the PS4 and they are pretty cheap now. I bought Return to Arkham city and Asylum, MGS5, Spiderman, and SP the Fractured but Whole. I am really loving the Batman games and will definitely check out the others when I’m done. I love that I can play as BTAS Batman.


You get it later in the story


You get it towards the end of the game when joker throws electrocutioner out the window and falls through a glass ceiling onto a chandelier

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I’ve been trying to defeat Deathstroke but I feel it’s impossible. Hahahaha.

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me too!!

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I just want to say I finally defeated Deathstroke. Hahahaha. :joy::joy::joy: