Arrowverse Couch Club, Week 5: April 21 episodes (Return from hiatus)

Yes I really want to see that too. I want to know how Singh was captured. Camilla was with the mirror gun and Iris went to the actual mirror. Eva did have six years in there so I’m also interested if there are others. (Besides the ones we already know)

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This is exactly what I was thinking. Why in the world would you do that? It blew me back in my seat.

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I was starting to wonder if mirror Singh had maybe been around for even longer than the period since he’s come back, but the switch couldn’t have happened before this season. Singh already knew Barry’s secret identity by the end of season 5 at the earliest, but Eva only just found that out. If mirror Singh had been operating before season 6, he would’ve already reported that fact to her

Edit: Actually, I just remembered that mirror Iris also knew Barry’s secret for months and never said anything to Eva, so maybe it is possible that mirror Singh existed prior to this season. I guess she had just never thought to ask

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I felt like Barry should’ve been suspicious of how unreasonable and selfish Iris was acting. That whole scene just didn’t feel like Iris.


Yea it will be interesting to find out how long mirror-Singh has been around. And regarding Singh knowing Barry’s identity I feel like he’s known for a while and then joe and Barry just confirmed it. (At least that’s how I took it) I also wonder how this will play out now with the season unfinished.

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She definitely went further than real Iris would’ve, but I think the key is that the feelings of hurt and anger over not being able to say goodbye to her father were still believable. Then again, it looks like getting kicked out may be the final straw in Barry figuring out the truth based on the trailer for the next episode

Probably also unfinished. It really sucks that we’re gonna have to wait until the fall for some of these storylines to wrap up

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Thats what I was figuring too.

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Just a thought… maybe Zari 2.0 will have to give her life to save Behrad. We will then get og Zari and Behrad. Idk, just a thought.

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It’s certainly a possibility, though that would probably also have to mean the Loom failed to bring him back

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that’s a classic cop move.

I still like what they have done with the Sue character in fleshing her out more than just being Ralph’s love interest. I am still not quite sure I trust her fully yet, but Ralph is at least keeping up with her which may be impressing her. He genuinely wants to help, and I like that he is not pushing on what secrets her parents have that they are being blackmailed for. I enjoy that they also tied it to Black Hole, as they did in an earlier episode with the diamond, so there are not too many separate storylines. Everything, including the mirror world and Eva go back to Black Hole in some fashion or another. At first it seemed like there were too many storylines and now with fewer episodes was not sure how it was going to circle back. I do like that Sue trusted Ralph enough with the diamond to reveal clues as to what she had found out.
I would be sad to see Joe go, but I also feel he is completing his story arc and maybe it would be good to move on. He is usually in an episode to bring forth the right advice to Barry and he knows what to say, but more and more he seems to be in the background except for these moments I said it before when they were leading up to crisis and everyone was doom and gloom because Barry was going to die, he was the one shining part of the show and his acting just carried it through for me with the right level of emotion. I will miss him, but I think it may be time for him to move on to a happy life with Cecile. My only question is the bad guys obviously know that Cecile is his wife and they went after her. So why is he the only one in Witsec? Why wouldn’t his wife and kid be in the program as well for their protection We know that Black Hole will not be going after him anymore that he is no longer a problem, but the police and others do not know this.
I did like the whole sequence where Joe switched places with Cecile on the bomb and I thought for sure they were going to kill him. Im glad he made it but you could feel they may have done it. I also felt for Barry that he is slowing down and cannot always be there to protect everyone.
I just want the whole evil Iris storyline resolved. This has gone on for too long and I think they are wasting her character by having her just try things to help Eva escape when personally I think she has been biding her time and needs no help. I thought they would have gone longer, but at least this still has not tipped Barry off that something is off because who wouldn’t say the real Iris would not have been upset about her dad going away. However it is straining my belief too much that Barry still has no clue something is not right especially as Iris keeps pushing him to do things that I don’t believe the real Iris would ask him to do, especially as a hero.

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I would like for Zari 2.0 to continue to develop as a person who enjoys having friends that like her for her and not her image, I would like Zari 1.0 to be a guide when she needs someone to talk to, but I do like seeing the new Zari, who grated on me at first, slowly enjoy the company of these misfits and see how she develops as her own person separate from who we already saw. We saw Zari 1.0 develop from someone with a lot of tragedy in life to being happy with friends, it would be great to see Zari 2.0 develop from someone with a happy life with family to someone who now has to deal with tragedy and become a person with happy past memories who has to deal with an uncertain future.

Behrad, I just can’t. It is a testament to the writers that they inserted this new character and replaced an existing character I loved, and I enjoyed him almost as much. I was all set to hate him and not like him, but he was written so likable, the other characters worked well with him, he brought the same Legends humor to the show. I liked hi from the start and I applaud them for doing that. This being said, I probably have not cried this hard during a Legends episode since Martin Stein died. I know with these shows there is always a way to bring them back, but it hurt when he was taken too soon. IT did drive Zari 2.0 into the mode where she was more like the old Zari and wanted to do whatever it took to get him back.


I figured that the cops knew that Black Hole only went after Cecile to get to Joe. W/ him gone, they have no reason to go after Cecile and/or Jenna right now, so there’s less reason for them to get the same level of protection. Plus w/ Cecile’s work as a metahuman attorney, she probably realizes that it’s important for her to stay unless she absolutely had to leave

I could get behind this idea. Tala could focus on playing Zari 2.0, but the writers could also call on Zari 1.0 whenever they want her to pop in occasionally. Zari 1.0 could maybe also get to see Behrad (assuming he gets resurrected) and get a better sense of the life she helped restore

You’ve also gotta give plenty of credit to Shayan Sobhian for bringing a ton of effortless charm to the role. He’s done a great job w/ the character and I truly hope this isn’t the last we’ve seen from him

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This is an interesting idea I hadn’t considered. This way you could see both Zari’s but the actress wouldn’t have to play both every episode.

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Maybe Tala Ashe could become Legends’ version of Tom Cavanagh - someone you can rely on to consistently play multiple versions of the same character

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I’d definitely be down for that.

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Petition for Legends to create a Council of Zaris in the totem world

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