Anyone else find Jane unlikable?

She has the most interesting backstory and she does have 64 personalities so… but we’re starting to get some development from others too. Jane is also a great actress

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Her actress makes it work… though she’s definitely that annoying type of person who “isn’t afraid to insult everyone and offend people all day” but freaks out when she herself gets insulted.

Its like those people who watch South Park and call everyone soft for being offended, until THEIR group is insulted then “they’ve gone too far”

She’s fine, but probably my least favorite of the lot. Still props to the actress.


I mean, I can see what you meant 9 episodes in. I was starting to get tired of the stalemate between Jane and Robotman, but after this last episode (episode 11) I think we’re back on track :slight_smile:


I think she is the most compelling and powerful member of the group. She has been the star of this series so far (in my opinion). She is flawed and completely unpredictable. She reminds me of the character in the “Sybil”, if she had powers to go with all the crazy personalities.


Jane is my favorite DP member after my man Cliff, who never wanted to be a hero, and is, to me, one of the greatest heroes in the DCU.

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 Great post, you hit Jane right on the head. I think the actress is great, but the character is so abrasive even at the best of times. The personalities are supposed to be different, but they’re almost all caustic. I find myself hoping for Penny Farthing just for a little break. 

 The other thing that bothers me a little is these characters have had decades to deal with their individual problems. None of them have gotten past the self pitying “poor me” stage. It’s a little annoying in my opinion.

I think they’re all still at the poor me stage because they’ve all just been hiding at the mansion or in Jane’s case running and not dealing with anything until Jane gets Cliff to start dealing with his stuff.


I think they’re all still at the poor me stage because they’ve all just been hiding at the mansion or in Jane’s case running and not dealing with anything until Jane gets Cliff to start dealing with his stuff.


I think her character just takes the longest to actually become what all the other doom patrol members also did, which was finding themselves, and Jane’s character seems like she never finds herself.

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I’ve fully come around and now she’s a contender for my favorite!

Jane is the most self-serving. She has no empathy for anyone but herself. Understandably, given her personal trauma. However, she will never be a hero. Even when she does “the right hero thing”, she does it only because it fits her personal agenda. She is not, nor ever will be, selfless or self-sacrificing as becomes a “hero”.

I like her end season personality she is still overly abrasive at some unneeded points but she and by extension her worst personality(hammerhead) stop picking fights with the patrol at least and her coming to cyborg and opening up along with cliff and the follow up to their underground adventure jane has a chance to move further from her original meanness


The one I cant stand is Cyborg… He’s an ass. But i’m only halfway through S1.

Dude she’s been through unimaginable torture. It’s very understandable why she pushes people away. She has trust issues that’s all.


Prefer her to negative man, he got old fast.

Jane is 50/50 for me. On one hand she is rude and abrasive, mean spirited and closed off. But on the other hand, it makes a lot of since because of her past. Jane is a really relatable character because she represents how hard it is to open up and connect with people. When they brought up the fact that she buried the memory of meeting Robotman so deep because it scared the underground and gave Jane hope. Hope that people are genuine and could maybe even be a friend. I was so excited to see the rest of her story develop threw out the season. But by the last episode that hope, for me, was kind of lost. In episode 14 when everyone got to have that great moment where Mr. Nobody is willing to give them their old lives back and they go “No, I messed up before and going back isn’t going to fix things”. I was just so disappointed in Jane. I was expecting a moment of realization from her. Like, hey this might be easier to stay but Robotman gave me hope and I’m not going to let go of that hope. Instead we got “no it’s safer here for us and for other people, we should stay” and Hammerhead telling Jane to f*** herself, because f*** people… yeah not the character arc I’ve come to expect in this brilliantly written show. And she could, in my opinion, still have this realization without losing her edge. Because trusting people is really hard. She could still be stand-offish and rude, but slowly, very slowly start opening up (btw, that’s my prediction for her character for season 2, cuz they didn’t do it this season) Over all she was the biggest disappointment this season for me. But only because she is so relatable and I wanted to see her do things I struggle with in real life. Accept that the past is just the past and you can’t judge other on what someone else did…

Though she does get bonus points cuz every time me and my husband started to argue if this was a show about “the culture war” or not. Jane made it to easy for me to look at my husband and go “Of course it is baby. They are talking about it and they want to include everyone. After all have you ever met a more toxic female than Jane or Hammerhead.” Yeah those where fun debates… totally got my gamer gate husband to continue watching with me after Danny Patrol, lol. And he’s glad he did to becuase good writing is good writing, and now Flex Mentallo is one of my husbands fave character lol. btw, my fave character was always Robotman. From episode 1 when he banged his head againt the stairs and said “No matter what I hit, how hard I hit, I can’t feel anything. That’s real messed up of you doc” That broke my heart. and he might be a mess up but Robotman has heart. Jane has heart too, it’s just buried so obnoxiously deep…

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She is a character meant to be unlikable I think. To build off what azszhz said, she was a vessel for bits and pieces of cringe to be introduced. The only parts of the series I disliked were ones introducing idiology all the while giving her a pass (for example, her calling Cliff out for Toxic Masculinity for killing actual Nazi’s while she is consistantly physically and verbally abusive to everyone around her).

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I don’t hate her anymore, but when I first saw her and saw how she acted towards everyone I definitely did not like her. I even thought of her as somewhat of a villain in the show. However, as her story progressed and I realized what she had been through, I can understand her feelings a little better. The personality switching is what annoys me though. For example, in the beginning of Ezekiel Patrol when she was questioning the one guy, she switched to the little girl and started screaming and crying. That is what truly annoys me. But I’m sure it took a lot of effort to be able to pull off the character. I respect Jane’s actress a lot for how she was able to pull off the character so well.

I totally understand why Jane would be difficult to like, but for me, she’s by far the most interesting character on the show. However, I hope she eventually has some kind of “breakthrough” moment where she begins to shake off the annoying hostility towards our heroes and showcase some character development. The overly profane, “f__k off!”, etc, that everyone must endure from her on a seemingly daily basis does get old. I’d like to see her become more of a leader in the future

I really REALLY like her actress. If it wasn’t for the casting her character would be a complete dud.

That said, yeah she annoyed me very often. Not always, but very often. Unlike Rita/Cliff/Larry/Cyborg and even Niles, Jane never really evolves. She stays a prick to everyone. Like she gets offends when she’s ASKED to do something. Yet she insults everyone ALL the time but has a three episode pity party when Cliff stood up for himself.

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