Alan Moore's Retirement

Legendary DC Comics writer Alan Moore has officially confirmed that he has retired.

His Superman and Swamp Thing stories are just some of the things he wrote that are on DC Universe. Check them out!


One of the Holy Trinity of comic writers. Just picked up LOEG: The Tempest #6, his run on Supreme is underrated.

@mceddard.91225 Who are the other two?

For me its Gaiman and Morrison. Moore is the Father, Gaiman the Son, and Morrison the Holy Spirit.

I’d take Morrison out of that equation. Doom Patrol was decent, not great. Animal Man was better, but not by much. I can’t think of anything else of his that warrants a shrug.

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I kind of think of Gaiman and Morrison as the legitimate and bastard heirs of Moore.


He’ll be back

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Morrison is an incredible writer his seven soldiers of victory is very underrated

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I just love that he fired some nice shots at Comicsgate before he left.

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Also, to weigh in on the Holy Trinity, can Eisner, Kirby, and Finger really be debated?


There is a strong argument to be made for Neal Adams over Eisner or Finger.

Adams ushered in a more classical anatomical structure, not unlike the Renaissance from a sculpture and painting standpoint. I’m not sue which of those two I’d knock off for Adams place in the artist trinity, but his Adams anatomy needs it’s place in the trinity. He quite literally gave us the birth of the modern hero shape.

I was referring to comic book writers.

Even if they’re better remembered as artists it’s important to not that they were all writers, too.

Even if they’re better remembered as artists it’s important to not that they were all writers, too.

Also, @DeSade-acolyte
Yeah, Adams was important and a place for him in a comic book Trinity could be justified, but he did sort of lead us down the path of hyper-realism and tons of cross-hatching. As for me, I’m sticking with Eisner, Kirby and Finger.

I might say Gardner Fox instead of Bill Finger. Finger is by far the better writer, don’t get me wrong, but Fox’s creations have been incredibly influential.

As for the initial proposed trinity, I admit I’ve never read anything by Gaiman, but I don’t think Morrison is as good as his fans think he is. Like, if weird is your thing, Morrison delivers, but his plots tend to take a backseat to whatever weird, over-the-top thing he feels like doing. Morrison wants to convince you how smart he is, whereas I find that great writers are able to just be smart and let you observe that fact for yourself. I’d almost compare Moore more to Greg Rucka, since both of them are clearly incredibly talented, skilled writers whose work I hate reading because they write all their characters as insufferable jerks (with some exceptions, admittedly).

Basically, Morrison is a writer who I think is objectively bad but caters to a certain subjective taste, while Moore is a writer who I think is objectively good but doesn’t line up with my subjective tastes at all. And I use “objective” loosely, meaning how well they measure up to the criteria on which I think it is sensible to judge writing (a good story should have a strong plot, a well-composed theme, good characterization, interesting dialogue, an engaging tone, and a little bit of flare), separate from my own knee-jerk reactions to the experience of reading itself.


Honestly, I don’t think there is a trinity. It’s Moore, and then a bunch of people who tried to write like Moore.


Just finished the final League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Starting to sink in that it was the final new issue of Alan Moore I’ll pick up. A tad bittersweet, because League wound up being a really touching trinute to the power of the imagination, and the ability of fiction to influence reality. A very welcome counterpoint to Cinema Purgatorio, which was relentlessly miserly and bitter (but not altogether devoid of humor). I quite enjoyed what the League became towards the end. It was a truly free series that could and would do anything at the drop of a hat, and then have something completely different the next panel. Kudos, Alan, the League is another masterpiece and a wonderful note to sign off on.

Morrison, as a comic writer, is an enigma to me. His writing in my opinion always seems to be either really good or really bad. He either writes characters really well or (looking at Talia al Ghul) destroys them so utterly DC permanently retcons them as horrible characters. All-Star Superman was great. Some of his JLA run was great. Doom Patrol was good. Final Crisis was really bad. His Batman run was bad. His New X-Men run was the only thing I read by him that was just meh, not great and not terrible. But that’s Marvel and doesn’t really belong in this conversation.

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  1. Watchmen
  2. Miracleman
  3. Top 10
  4. V for Vendetta
  5. Swamp Thing
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