A word to the DCU Community on Christmas Eve

Hello everyone.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Happy Holidays (both here and IRL).

I know I haven’t been active much. The Holidays (and life in general) can be a whirlwind, and that’s where I’ve been these past several weeks.

If it’s not too much trouble, I would like to say a few words to the community. Particularly as we close out 2019 and the first year of DC Universe as a platform.

It’s been a heck of a year, hasn’t it? Filled with ups and downs, questions and surprises, the awesome and not-so-awesome and the gray area in-between.

I won’t lie. This going can be rough at times. This platform is the continual punching-bag of social media for reasons that can vary at the shift of wind currents. Things that may look exciting on the surface then come with questions about what makes this place stand out.

We often react to those things by venting our anger and frustration. And when we do, one of two things happen: sometimes we calm down and listen, debate, and agree or disagree with those who share nuanced perspectives. Or we get fed up and we look for the exit door.

There’s nothing wrong with doing the latter. If that is how you feel in your heart, you are more than welcome to express as much and walk away.

For those who stay, despite frustration, despite uncertainty, despite not holding all the answers to what comes tomorrow: thank you.

You are what makes this place what it is.

I know I’m not alone in hoping that the second year of DCU is filled with every ounce of awesome it can possibly muster, even as the shifting sands of the streaming world continue to act as such.

More original (scripted) shows, even if we have to be nice and share with other platforms? Check.

More comics? Check (obviously).

More exclusive fan stuff? Check.

More…Everything? Check, check, and check.

I wish nothing but the best for the crew upstairs, from management down to moderators, as they pour their heart and soul into making this place as special as can be.

But…I don’t know if all that cool stuff would be fun if we didn’t have such an incredible community of people to share it with. And I think that’s what DC Universe is starting to become to me as we head into 2020: a place to share and be inclusive in a mutual love of fandom.

So, if you have to do just one thing on this platform tomorrow that isn’t watching or reading or buying something, do this: If there is somebody here who is new to DC fandom or is just simply new to the service, reach out to them. Invite them to a club. Recommend a comic or a TV show or a movie that they’ve never seen or heard before. Share what you love and encourage them to do the same.

Show them that, for as long as it stands, DC Universe is a place where anyone and everyone can be among friends.

We are a niche platform, so in the eyes of social media, we’re not as ‘shiny’ or as ‘cool’ or as ‘lit’ as the 6 or 7 different streaming services that are launching next year.

The best we can do, and maybe all this community has the power to do, is to find those looking for something that’s a little more than a normal streaming service, and welcome them with nothing but open hands, open minds, and big hearts.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a wonderful New Year’s to everybody here.




A very inspirational and awesome message.
Happy Holidays to you as well


Happy Holidays to you too, @bcbranman3.63559! What a beautiful message. DCU is an amazing place and we are so happy to be here - a warm and welcoming community for all the DC fans! :blush:



I find social media to be it’s own punching bag to a far greater degree than anything that it tries to turn into a punching bag.

Anyway, that was very well worded @bcbranman3.63559. Merry Christmas to you and your’s, and Merry Christmas to everyone on DC Universe!

Rao bless us, every one.


@bcbranman3.63559 That was truly a very kind and heartfelt message. Certainly not something I expected to read at 2:50am, but it was something I think I needed.
I have never been very active in an online community. I never felt a strong enough connection, I guess, to get me to reach out and participate, but the spirit here is so great and inclusive. I feel like everyone here, despite what I’m sure are many differences, shares a common ground in the things we love and enjoy. Now that I’ve found that, I for one have every intention of sticking with DCU.
Thanks again for your words of encouragement. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a fantastic New Year!


As I sit in the back of a car in the middle of a long drive for the second time in a week, and for a much less happy reason (my wife’s mother suddenly passed away on Christmas Eve, so we are driving from my family’s to hers to be with her brother on Christmas and start making arrangements), I find myself here on DC Universe reading comics and perusing the forums as it’s understandable a very quiet drive.

I don’t have Facebook… It’s not worth the stress, I try to stay off reddit and Twitter. Since 2.0 I’ve been a lot more active on the forums and in clubs. This platformed, which has people shouting it’s demise everywhere, has started to turn into what I had hoped it would be.

I’m looking forward to 2020 here, I realize I’m way more invested in DC Universe than I thought I’d be at this point. Comics are easy to read when my daughter gives a brief respite during the day, and unlike news actually relax me. The forums are a great place to read and learn about other people’s passion for comics and expand what I’m reading.

So happy holidays and thanks for all of you for being here. I hope to see more of you in the new year.


The vitriol I find on here is nothing compared to the flaming pile of garbage that constitutes all other social media platforms. This community has really been something special to me, particularly after they revamped it.

I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas!


Happy Holidays.

I need less social media in 2020 and more actual connections with humans, and DCU has been a place to find the latter.


I do wish a very happy holiday to all those that have a holiday to celebrate this year. (As for myself, I’m still trying to figure out why every 25th of December all the shops are shut. I’m so pagan I don’t even celebrate pagan holidays. :wink:)

DCU has positioned itself as a niche for sure. I for one am glad of that. We are a “boutique” service. DCU is not trying to be yet another streaming service. He combination of comics, video, @DCDaily , and community.

DCU is a fan engagement platform and has done a great job at building that. Interviews this year with Marv Wolfman, Andrea Romano, Michael Uslan, Susan Eisenberg, April Bowlby, and so much more. And not just interviews but passing along selected questions to these folks from members of the community. Are there things that some folks view as a negative, and may choose to leave over, usually stem from video content. However, even the smallest amount of research explains why those moves were made.

While there is much to applaud DCU for over the last year+ I’ve been here, there is one that stands out to me.

Being fiscally responsible about the service. That shows a real commitment by “the suits” to make sure DCU is viable for the long term.

Am I overjoyed at content being rolled out (and eventually rolled back in)? No. Am I bummed about getting new animated movies 90 after launch. No. However, I understand and (even if a bit begrudgingly) can acknowledge these business decisions. It is a way to keep the service healthy over the long term.

In the end, that has been the best part of DCU, the commitment to its long term viability.