A New Face at DC: Nice to meet you, I'm Jitsu!

Welcoming Jitsu
@staticshocks: Hey Reaganfan78, wait a second, I need to tell you something!
Reaganfan78: Sure Static, what’s up?
Static: We finally got the new Moderator, here’s the address, be sure to say hello.
Reaganfan78: Thanks, will do.
(Hours later)

Reaganfan78: Well here’s the place. The building look kind of spooky! Well here goes.

Alfred: Hello sir, I’m Alfred, how may I help you?
Reaganfan78: Hello Alfred, I’m here to see Jitsu.
Alfred: Aw yes, right this way sir. If you please, follow me and I’ll take you to him.
Reaganfan78: Thankyou Alfred.
@Applejack: Oh hey Reaganfan78, I was just leaving, please enjoy meeting and having Jitsu here, he’ll be taking over from now on. Bye.
Reaganfan78: Bye Applejack we’ll miss you and thankyou.
Alfred: If you please sir…Jitsu is in this room.
Reaganfan78: Whoa he’s Batman! I wanted to say welcome @Jitsu, it’s great to have you here.
The End…This is just a beginning.
:grinning: :batman: