A Message to All Snyder Fans

Ummm… Because that’s all companies ever do? Think about New Coke, Ugly Sonic, or when Marvel and Sony broke up, and fans rebelled like fans do. I’m not saying there wasn’t a perfect storm of circumstances to release the Terrio Cut, but it still wouldn’t have happened if people didn’t want it to happen.


Same here! It’s so insulting that people are making absurd judgements on people that like those films.

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Ugly Sonic is an exception not the rule. The deal with Spider-Man is also the exception. And keep in mind, that deal came very close to falling through just a few years ago. And you also have to factor the attitude of the execs, who just wanted to move past the JL thing and try to not even reference it. The HBO Max are seperate from the former DC Films division and they were the ones who probably pushed for it against that division’s wishes, only caving due to how little it will eventually cost.

Thankfully, the newly established DC Studios doesn’t run into petty studio politics like that again based on how they are currently structured.

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Alright, I guess I worded it a little confusingly. I meant to say that the purpose of pop culture companies is to please people. I’m not saying they don’t make mistakes - a lot. I’ve been all over these forums discussing some of the biggest mistakes. But ultimately, by definition, the rule is to please people. It’s just the exception that circumstances converge so perfectly. Everything that’s ever happened is the result of a perfect storm of random confluences of fate, but nothing good ever would’ve happened if people hadn’t wanted them to. The randomness of fate is not a reason not to fight against bad decisions. Ultimately, I agree that we should let the DCU continue on its current path, but only because I like this direction, not because I don’t think it’s worth fighting over.

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One of the movies could have been the solo Batman movie which got turned into BvS by WB


I love Snyder! I’m a big Snyder fan. It’s funny, he talked about his love for football and the packers when someone brought up his Cyborg scene in JL. I care not for sports, even less for football BUT if he directed a football movie, I’d totally watch it, lol.

Anyways, the dare I say ‘toxic’ Snyder fans I cannot stand. I would love to see more and have his vision finished BUT I am willing to move on. People need to learn this is common. I recall growing up, hearing X and X signed to so and so record label, and so and so will produce it. Or so and so video game will be made. Then, in the end, it never happened. Nothing materialized. And I feel some of these fans treat this as a divorce, or a suicide of someone close or something. It’s kinda sad and pathetic. In the end, it’s just a movie not world peace or poverty or something.

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or are just obsessed

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I…that is not what any writer in Hollywood is ever going to tell you.

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Yeah, I am definitely one of those people who really enjoyed Snyder’s DC work. It’s a shame that he never got to truly finish his story, but his ZSJL had enough of a climax that I think it works as a Trilogy. Plus, now he has the freedom to make his own work – I really enjoyed Army of the Dead and I’m greatly looking forward to Rebel Moon.

Plus, considering how friendly Snyder and James Gunn are (Gunn actually wrote the screenplay for Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead), I don’t think it’s completely impossible that Snyder might come back in a Chapter 2 film down the line, if Gunn’s DCU succeeds.