A DC "what if" show

Tales from the Dark Multiverse. And the best part is like the Batman Who Laughs as the Cryptkeeper telling the stories. And yes, big pun games.

“Oh that Diana! She’s a real swinger! She never reaches the end of her rope while she hangs around in all the right places!”

Not Dark Multiverse -

What if Supergirl never hit that space warp? She arrived with baby Kal-El and raised him? There was no Superman, just Super Woman (who by now, assuming Superman’s age of (at least) 46 is still accurate - Yes, he’s that old. He was 34 when he became Superman, Jon Kent is 12, that means Superman is minimum 46, would be rocking 63) and dealing with the fact that she didn’t age that fast.

Would Clark still be Clark? Raised, in effect, by a teenage mother? A teenage mother, by the by, who effectively immigrated to the US without speaking the language? Would he still be a reporter? Would him and Lois be a thing?