2020 Comic Reading Challenge

Just finished Wonder Woman (2011) for another 57 issues. Also,

Trinity 1-3
Blackest Night 1-8
Secret Origins Wonder Woman
Convergence 0-8
Wonder Woman Convergence 1-2
Harley’s Little Black Book 1

Total DC: 792


last week of November

New Teen Titans (1980) 15 - 17 - The New Teen Titans TPB vol. 2 & 3

DCAU Comics - DC Library
Superman Adventures (1996) 59 - 66
Batgirl Adventures (1997) 1
Batman: Gotham Adventures (1998) 1 - 5

Digital First series’ (2020) - DC Library
Batman: Gotham Nights 8
Aquaman: Deep Dives 8
Superman: Man of Tomorrow 8
Flash: Fastest Man Alive 8
DCeased: Hope at World’s End 3
Far Sector 1

(Continuing Zatanna’s Silver Age appearances)
Adventure Comics (1935) 413 - 415, 417

Month 103 - Year 901

Busy month was hoping to read more.
Still continuing with New Teen Titans TPBs on #4 (of 12). Issue 15 finishes off the Doom Patrol closure story arc, then in 16 the Titans are supposed be be having another one and done day in the life R&R but they have to track down a murderer. Issue 17 is another stand alone issue where the team has to help a possessed girl. (Don’t want to say who possessed her but I will say Marv Wolfman really seems to like Green Lantern.)

Finished the third series in the DC Animated Universe, Superman Adventures. Superman fights magic, Jimmy Olsen, Parasite, Metallo, a newly empowered meta-human, and Brainiac (Beyond?). Along the way Jimmy Olsen (when not fighting him), Lois Lane, Terry (Batman) McGinnis, and S.T.A.R. Labs lend a hand, even Livewire helps him save the day; all culminating in a nice send off in the last issue of the series. Story and art were great, only disappointment was the Library (or Comixology) doesn’t have the Superman vs. Lobo one-shot series tie-in.
The Batgirl one-shot was really good; disappointed this wasn’t a regular series.
Batman: Gotham Nights is the fourth series and a great Batman & Robin serial. Good stories and great art and continues to expand the DCAU.

The Digital First Series’ are still a lot of fun (minus not being able to binge read all at once). Looking forward to the new series’ as well. My current all time favorite is still Wonder Woman: AOP #7, Etta Candy one of my favorite obscure characters has an outstanding story. She has really developed over the years from an overweight college girl to secret agent trying to save her Russian counterpart. :+1:
I know Far Sector is not officially a digital first, but I was intrigued and missed it at the comic shop its first go around. This story is like Green Lantern Hal Jordan/John Stewart meets Star Trek (namely Michael Burnham). I know pilot issues are sometimes slow or over crammed with backstory but it was paced at her speed and given just enough information to want to read the next issue to see what happens (and find out what’s going on).

Continued to read Zatanna’s publication history after Zatanna’s Search. Unfortunately the Library (or Comixology) doesn’t have a full reading list of World’s Finest or Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane. Zatanna guest appeared a few issues in both. But So far the Library has all of her appearances in Adventure and Supergirl. Adventure Comics is a great old timey anthology series featuring (current reading) Supergirl until she got her first solo series in 1972. Zatanna had a back-up series in both. It’s fun to explore Zatanna’s history along the way (didn’t know she had a past boyfriend/show manager . . . :thinking: Paul Dini and Misty Lee) I’m gearing up for the JLA story-arc The Wedding of Atom and Jean Loring, after which Zatanna officially joins the League in 161 (with hopefully more appearances in JLA from then on.)


Oh yeah, I got good n sucked in after the first issue of FAR SECTOR, can’t(but kinda hafta) wait for more


I haven’t posted here since July lol. I’m not gonna keep track of how much I read, instead I’ll just post WHAT I’m reading.

DC: the Vigilante series from the 80s. I’m in the mid-30 issues, and it’s just finally gotten a “Suggested for mature readers” tag. Really good stuff. Also reading through the entire Flashpoint event. Up next is a Citizen Cold standalone comic. My plan is to read all of Flashpoint then tackle the New 52 in order.

Marvel: Still making my way through the Marvel universe in order, I’m still around the late 70s. In the Ultimate Universe (which I’m also reading in order), I’m currently around the introduction of the New Mutants in Ultimate X-Men.

Star Wars: Also reading through Star Wars in order lol. I’m almost done with the main Star Wars series from 2015. One of the upcoming arcs is called “Destination: Hoth,” to give you an idea of where in the Star Wars timeline I am.

Manga: currently reading Bakuman, a great, great story about two young manga creators trying to create a big hit for Shonen Jump magazine. Kind of meta at times, but this is REALLY good.

Novels: just finished Exit West by Mohsin Ahmad, a magical realism story about refugees. Very interesting stuff, and he has an interesting writing style where he uses these longgggg sentences. Like, you’ll read an entire page and realize you’re still in the same single sentence.

And just for fun, I read Time magazine’s Star Wars retrospective that came out shortly before Ep. 9. Includes the original reviews of all the other movies. It’s interesting seeing Ben Kenobi referred to as a “retired Rebel general” in the New Hope review… I was like “Nope!” lol.


Hi Guys,
Got busy so I didn’t get writing :writing_hand: stuff down for you. Here are my comics I read till November 7.
Wonder Woman: (2019), Vol. 3: #74-81
Superman: Action Comics: Vol. 3: #1012-1016
Batman:Detective Comics: (2011), Vol. 1: #1-7
Batman: Batman and Son: #655-658, #663-666
Batman & the Outsiders: Vol. 1: #1-6
The Flash: Vol. 12: #76-81
Harleen: #1-3
Captain Marvel: Vol. 3: 12-17
Justice League: (2011), Vol. 1: #1-6
Green Lantern Kyle Rayner: Vol. 2: Green Lantern #58-65, Guy Gardner: Warrior: #27-28, New Titans: #124-125 and Darkstars #34
Scene of the Crime: #1-5
Green Lantern Corps: (2011), Vol. 1: #1-7
DCeased: #1-6 and A Good Day to Die: #1
Loose Issues:
Batman: #473 and 475
Batman: Detective Comics: #642

Subtotal: 83
Total at 11/7/2020: 1495


Started a pirate novel called Legend of the Silver Skinner. The writing feels very… amateurish. I’m willing to bet this was self-published, not traditionally published through a publishing house.


I was THIS CLOSE to scoopin up a half dozen of oldish Marvel novels at a HalfPrice bookstore just yesterday! Think ill make the trip back. The resolution for 2021 is more “book-books”, and this would be goal completed/cheated all in one!


I was THIS CLOSE to scoopin up a half dozen of oldish Marvel novels at a HalfPrice bookstore just yesterday! Think ill make the trip back. The resolution for 2021 is more “book-books”, and this would be goal completed/cheated all in one!

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Meanwhile, as the week winds away, I’ve gotten sucked into some 80s Batman books, and am about to read the one where he fights Coronal Blimp. Hes evil, steals boats, flies a blimp…BATMAN #352



Green Lantern: Rebirth: 6 issues from 2004-2005
Writer: Geoff Johns
Actually haven’t read this before. I’ve read Johns’ GL, but I picked it up with #1 of the ongoing. Considering giving it a reread, though, because I feel like I don’t remember it all that well.

I’m noticing that Johns likes to have characters just sort of brute-force announce their thoughts and motivations to each other, which is happening a lot here (presumably to foreshadow their fears and pay off re: Parallax), but overall this is pretty good. And the retconning really does explain a lot of awkwardness from the Kyle era.

Oh, and say what you will about Ethan Van Sciver, but the art here is really cool. I love the variations in the style of the different Lanterns’ energy and constructs beyond just the standard green aura.


Here’s my reading from the past week and a half. About half that time has been spent sick in bed (still waiting for my test results to come back) so I’m not sure if I wrote everything down or not but here is what I did remember.

-Batman/Catwoman #1
-Strange Adventures #7
-Batman #104

-Avengers (2012): #s 2-10(9)
-New Avengers (2013): #s1-6 (6)
-New Avengers (2005) #2
-King in Black #1
-Thor #10
-Fantastic Four: Road Trip #1
-The Union #1

-Hellboy & the B.P.R.D.: Her Fatal Hour and The Sending #1
-Weird Magazine(1972) Vol.6 #1
-The Spirit Magazine (1976) #12: The Christmas Spirit special

-The Sixth Gun vols. 4-8, Sons of the Gun, Days of the Dead and Dust to Death collections (46)
-B.P.R.D.: Plague of Frogs Omnibus vol.1 (15)

Total: 87
2020 Total: 1,195


2021 can’t get here fast enuff…


If youre commenting on the current state of everything going on, then yes, I agree, I can’t wait for 2020 to be over as well. But I also try to remind myself that all these problems are not going to disappear at the stroke of midnight on Jan. 1st, I’m well aware and prepared that we still have a lot of dark days ahead of us before things return to somewhat normal (I myself am expecting the worst of this pandemic to be among us in mid January). But with that being said, there’s really not much I can do to have a major impact in pretty much anything right now, just an impact on what goes on in my small speck of the world and the people that are in it. I do my part by staying safe, distancing, quarantining myself and making sure the people I care about are doing ok too by reminding them that they’re not alone and offering help in whatever way I can and am able to do. Theres so many beacons of fear and hate right now that it’s very easy to fall into that state of mind, so I try to be a beacon of positivity and hope that hopefully counters some of the negative stuff flying around so freely right now. The changing of a calendar year isn’t going to make things better, but you can help start the betterment of our situation by staying positive, safe and being a helper in whatever way you’re able to. We don’t have to wait for 2021 for a better year, start it right now.
Ok, rant over. Lol. Back to our regularly scheduled program of comics.


Detective Comics: 13 issues from 2005 (plus 3 issues of Batman)
Writers: Andersen Gabrych (3 issues, 1 issue of Batman, “Beast Beneath” backup in 3 issues), David Lapham (10 issues, backup story in #800), Mike Carey (“The Barker” backup in 4 issues), Kimo Temperance (“Mud” backup in 1 issue), Scott Beatty (“Regnum Defende” backup in 2 issues), Bill Willingham (1 issue of Batman)
(Skipping Under the Hood because I’ve already read it, and there’s a crossover, so I’m just lumping the three issues of Batman I have in with ‘Tec.)

I love how the first thing they do after War Games (the rather disappointing #800 notwithstanding) is a story that takes place before War Games, presumably because War Games was so stupefyingly bad they weren’t even sure how to follow it up.

Snark aside, the “City of Crime” arc itself is overall pretty solid. A mystery with some creepy-cool horror elements. I wasn’t feeling it early on, but as the paranoia ramped up, I really got into it. It’s loooooooong, though. Not even over by the end of the year.

Also, The Barker is an interesting story, but you could search-and-replace the word “Gotham” with something else and you’d never know it was supposed to be in the DCU.

Mud is a fun little short story.

Regnum Defende is OK. Too short for anything really interesting to happen.

Beast Beneath is a real shaggy dog story.

Both City of Crime and Under the Hood get interrupted so War Crimes can happen, and gosh, wasn’t that worth it?


Domino: 10 issues from 2018
Writer: Gail Simone


This is basically exactly the same as everything else Gail Simone has ever written, but that’s OK, that’s why I’m reading it.

Well, that and I blundered into it while double-checking what stuff Diamondback has been used in.

Note: Also, while I was reading the first issue, I had the radio running on the ‘70s station, and they started playing Layla. By Derek and the Dominoes. That’s… fortuitous.


Domino: Hotshots: 5 issues from 2019
Writer: Gail Simone


There was really no reason to change the title and reset the numbering; it follows pretty directly from the preceding series. Marvel just can’t help themselves. They must have some kind of quota for new #1s.

So anyway, still good, now with Black Widow, which is always cool.

OK, OK, I should stop gushing and acknowledge a few things that feel a little questionable. From what I can tell, the core cast was pretty much stuck together for these two minis, but from the first issue of the previous one, it jumped right into “They’re best buds FOREVER!!!” And there’s this weird thing where everybody keeps saying that Diamondback is snobby, but she doesn’t actually do anything snobby. It’s… weird.

But the first thing is just kind of part of the premise and the second doesn’t actively cause any problems, so it’s all fine.



Still making my way throught the Flashpoint series.

So far, I’ve really enjoyed the two tie-ins “Deathstroke and the Curse of the Ravager,” and “Batman: Vengeance of the Knight.”

I would happily take a series of Deathstroke sailing the high seas as a pirate with his crew.

And as for Batman, it’s interesting seeing Thomas Wayne in the position instead of Bruce. And there’s a great twist at the end of issue 2… Martha Wayne is the Joker. What?!


Blackbeard would have nothing on him. :sunglasses:


My comics read 11/7/20-11/21/20
Checkmate (1987): #10
Immortal Hulk: Vol. 7: #31-35
Road to Empyre: 3 One Shots
Criminal: Vol. 1: #1-5
Captain America (1998) Vol. 4: #20-24, Annual 1999 and Captain America The Legend
Criminal: Vol. 2: 6-10
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) Vol. 8: 37-43
Event Leviathan: #1-6, Superman: Leviathan Rising #1
Criminal: Vol. 3: #1-3
JLA: Vol. 16: #101-106
Green Lantern: New Guardians: Vol. 1: #1-7
X-Men/Fantastic Four: #1-4
Dawn of X: Vol. 9: #8’s New Mutants and X-Men, #9’s X-Force, X-Men and Marauders, and Cable #1

Subtotal: 65
Total of Comics to 11/21/20: 1560


2013 Superman/Wonder Woman 1-32
Superman 30-32
Superman Doomed 1-2
Action Comics 31-34
Action Comics Annual 3
Supergirl 34
DC Universe Rebirth 1
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman 1-51

Still on my quest to read every Wonder Woman comic. Had to read some Superman comics to fill in what was going on in Superman/Wonder Woman. Wasn’t sure I would like them as a couple but it really grew on me. Sensation Comics was a top-notch collection from a bunch of great authors.

DC total: 889


11/22/20 finished
Infinity Crusade Omnibus ( minus 8 I told you guys about earlier): 33 Comics
Today I read a one shot: Web of Venom: The Good Sons: #1

Subtotal 34
Total for year up to 11/22/20: 1594